Core Actions
Begin, continue and end every action with prayer. Prayer is a foundational part of Stepping Stones Church. Each Christian prays not only for his own needs but also for the needs of others. Stepping Stones Church meets at 9:00 am every Sunday morning to pray before Life Groups and Worship begin.
Worship should occur individually, corporately and collectively. Worship in its purist sense is loving God with all your heart. This should occur twenty four hours a day and seven days a week. Stepping Stones Church meets each Sunday to corporately worship God.
Evangelism is bringing the gospel to all people locally and around the world: every member using every available means to share Jesus Christ with the lost. This is a daily activity. However, Stepping Stones Church sets aside at least one time a month to corporately evangelize its Community.
Discipleship is the teaching and growing focus of every member and the church. It is an important part of every Christian’s sanctification. Every member is encouraged to be in the word daily. Stepping Stones Church provides weekly Bible study opportunities for its members. Every Sunday morning Stepping Stones Church offers Bible study for all ages at 9:15 am. Other opportunities for discipleship occur throughout the week. Stepping Stones Church also uses Wednesday evening as a midweek shot in the arm. While the children meet for Kids Club, the women and men have their individual Bible studies and the youth have a game time followed by their own Bible study.
Ministry in its simplest form is expressing love for your neighbor in a tangible way: feeding the hungry, visiting orphans and widows, building or rebuilding projects for the needy, etc. Ministry projects primarily occur on an as needed basis. However, soon Stepping Stones Church will have regularly scheduled times of ministry (i.e. providing meals around Thanksgiving or delivering coats or blankets to the homeless in the winter).
Giving is part of God’s plan for every member and every church. The tithe is outlined as God’s way to provide for the needs of the local church. Stepping Stones Church leads by example by giving a minimum of 10% to missions. At least half of all missions giving goes to Stepping Stones Ministry to fund further evangelization and Church planting.
Fellowship is experienced by individual Christians as they participate in the above actions. The men meet for a prayer breakfast once a quarter that is almost always followed with skeet shooting. The ladies have various fellowship times including brunches and ladies night out. Additionally, opportunities arise regularly for Christians to get together socially for baseball games, Christian concerts, potluck dinners, etc.
Stepping Stones Church
6828 CR 202
McKinney TX 75071
(972) 548-1300
9:00 am - Prayer
9:15 am - Life Group (Bible Study)
10:30 am - Worship
7-8 pm - Midweek Prayer and Bible Study for all ages
© 2025 · Stepping Stones Church