We love kids! We have classes, camps, and activities designed specifically for them, and they also have the unique opportunity at Stepping Stones Church of being part of all church events. They take part in ministry outreaches with their parents and participate in the worship service.
Babies – Preschoolers
We strongly believe spiritual training of our children should begin the minute they are born. Dedicated teachers prepare lessons just for preschoolers for the 9:15 Life Group Hour, bringing the scriptures down to their age level. The learning continues during the worship hour.
While loving on your baby, we’ll sing songs of God’s love. We teach your toddler and preschooler simple biblical truths and then reinforce these concepts while they play. Our teachers are screened but most importantly have a deep love for God and are crazy about children.
Kindergarten – 5th Grade
During the Life Group Hour at 9:15 am children study the scriptures taught by well-qualified teachers. Just like Jesus used objects like coins, fish, and plants to teach, our teachers use everyday objects and fun activities to teach Bible truths. Since the children experience what they are learning, it sticks with them.
The worship hour experience at 10:30 am is designed with kids in mind. Pastor Jeff connects with the children both before, during and after the service. He often calls willing volunteers to help him illustrate a point. He points out ways they can apply the truths being taught to their young lives. There are Children’s Bulletins with activities that supplement the sermon.
Children benefit so much from being a part of the worship service but understanding their unique needs, Super Church is for 1st – 5th Graders after the Prasie and Worship. Family Worship takes place the first Sunday of each month when grade school children experience the entire worship service with their families.
Various other fun events such as PureNrgy Camp, Drive-thru History and Camp Dinosaur help children better understand the truths of the Bible.
Stepping Stones Church
6828 CR 202
McKinney TX 75071
(972) 548-1300
9:00 am - Prayer
9:15 am - Life Group (Bible Study)
10:30 am - Worship
7-8 pm - Midweek Prayer and Bible Study for all ages
© 2025 · Stepping Stones Church