Life Groups – Bible Study for all ages – Sundays at 9:15 AM
We base everything we do on the truths from the Bible. Sunday mornings at 9:15 AM we have a class for every age group: our toddlers, our kids, our students, and our adults. Each class studies the same scripture passage in an age appropriate way. This allows families to discuss the truths learned throughout the week at home.
We are most excited about our new young adult Life Group composed of college age and young professionals.
We are currently working our way through the Gospel Project.
66 books. Dozens of authors. A holy canon thousands of years in the making. Every word, every verse, bears His testimony. Of the Holy Messiah. Jesus Christ. Eternal King.
The Gospel Project® is a chronological, Christ-centered Bible study for Kids, Students, and Adults that examines how all Scripture gives testimony to Jesus Christ. Over the course of three years, participants will journey from Genesis to Revelation and discover how God’s plan of redemption unfolds throughout Scripture and still today, compelling them to join the mission of God.
Stepping Stones Church
6828 CR 202
McKinney TX 75071
(972) 548-1300
9:00 am - Prayer
9:15 am - Life Group (Bible Study)
10:30 am - Worship
7-8 pm - Midweek Prayer and Bible Study for all ages
© 2025 · Stepping Stones Church